The Next Step After Marijuana Seeds Have Grown Roots

When your seedlings have established roots, transplant them into a larger container. As seedlings, they typically reach this stage after 2 to 6 weeks.

When you notice a sudden increase in leaf growth, it indicates that the plants have entered the vegetative growth phase and are ready to be moved. The leaves will be identified as marijuana leaves.

Giving your seeds a fighting chance from the start is essential if you want a high-quality harvest. What happens in the early stages of development is critical for the plant's overall survival and health, just as it is in humans.

How to sex your cannabis seedlings

You'll be able to tell the sex of your little plants around the 6-week mark. You won't need to worry about this step if you started with a feminized seed. Feminized seeds only produce female cannabis plants, making them ideal for people who prefer to grow from clones after starting with seeds.

Sexing your plants is one of the most important parts of the early growing process if you are not growing from a feminized seed. To ensure a good harvest of usable cannabis flowers, separate your male and female plants. Unwanted pollination can occur if your plants are not separated.

When female plants are pollinated, they stop focusing their energy on developing strong buds. Rather, they devote their efforts to the development of seeds.


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