Consider These Facts That Influence Growth When Picking Cannabis Seeds

People use different techniques to grow premium cannabis buds. While some have their methods refined through years of growing experience, others are still trying to decipher what works best. 

Different factors influence the growth of cannabis, and they need to be taken into account when choosing cannabis seeds.

We list three of the most vital aspects to keep in mind when picking seeds.

1 – Age of Seeds

Look at the appearance of the seeds to understand their quality. Healthy and good-quality seeds tend to be more greyish to brown with spots and have a shiny appearance without any cracks. 

Very dark or almost black seeds may be old. Avoid seeds that are immature or aged. Also, evade buying recently harvested seeds and those lying-in storage for extended periods.

2 - Location 

The location where you grow your cannabis will play a huge role in the success or failure of the crop. Seeds grow differently in their suited growing environment. 

Indoor plants need more mild conditions as they do not experience the changing weather conditions, but this could mean high electricity bills due to the lighting requirements. Outdoor growing cuts the lighting costs, but plants are more susceptible to insects and pests.

3 – Period of Growth

After deciding whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, calculate the period estimated for the plant to attain maturity. 

Indica plants typically grow faster than sativa, so pick your seeds accordingly. 

Ending Notes

Finally, you must buy from reputable sources that provide fresh, healthy seeds. If you are mulling over how to buy hybrid seeds online, you could check out Weed Seeds USA.


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