Interesting Tips For Growing Marijuana From Feminized Seeds

Having male plants near female ones can ruin the whole harvest. The reason is that male plants pollinate young female plant buds. And this leads to flowers full of seeds, decreasing their value and quality.

Growers developed feminized cannabis seeds to meet these challenges. When you increase the probability of all your seeds producing female plants, the possibility of getting a male plant that does not produce flowers and of a male plant accidentally pollinating a flower-bearing female plant is eliminated.

Tips for growing marijuana from feminized seeds

The procedure of growing cannabis from feminized seeds is similar to growing cannabis from regular seeds. 

Before planting the first seed, you need to decide:

  • Do you want to grow your cannabis in a greenhouse, indoors, or outdoors?
  • What strain are you planning to grow?
  • Will it be photoperiod or autoflowering? 
  • Will you grow from a clone or seed of a cannabis plant?
  • What medium of cultivation will you use? The hydroponic solution, aeroponic system or your good old soil? 

Each of these areas further generates many more questions. If you grow your cannabis indoors, will you use artificial or natural light? If you plan to opt for the hydroponic method, will you also use a growing medium like hydroton or rockwool? 

It is advisable to do prior research before planting your first sapling. 

However, if that's not what you want to do, you can grow cannabis like a houseplant indoors with natural light. If you start with a couple of plants on a windowsill and end up with a good harvest, you could choose to progress to a more complicated setup or keep it simple. 

Final Thoughts

So, what are you waiting for? Buy feminized seeds online now!


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