Some Potential Dangers Your Cannabis Plants Are Exposed To Right Before The Harvest

While you waited for a long time to see your cannabis plant blooming, you might not be aware of the potential dangers your cannabis plant is vulnerable to. Watching the cannabis plants in full bloom is a true delight for the senses and as the time goes by, the flowers will keep blooming until the harvest time draws near. Do not think that this phase is exempt from trouble. You need to keep a close eye on everything to ensure that all your hard work do not end in vain. Let us have a look at the potential dangers your plant may be in during the harvesting stage.

1.Humidity is an enemy for your cannabis plant. If there is excess moisture around, there will be appearance of botrytis, powdery mildew or mildew. These pathogens can ruin your entire crop and you should be very careful about them. They would usually develop during any prominent weather change. If you observe any changes in the weather, you should take a call.

2.Light pollution is too common with cannabis. Light offers a kind of energy to the cannabis plant and you should keep the lights under control always. If your outdoors are exposed to excess light, this can have a negative impact on the flowering phase of your plants.

3.Once your cannabis blooms, people will always keep an eye on your harvest. Beware of the local theft.

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